
Saturday, December 17, 2005
      ( 6:59 AM )  
countdown until I forget about this thing for another 3 years: 3...2...1...

winter #

      ( 6:54 AM )  
Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile Filepile

Oh no first rule!!! haha, suckers.

winter #

      ( 6:45 AM )  
Oh yeah! you're supposed to use these things to talk shit about people and talk about how great the stuff you like is! Well I like Hystereo and I heard about them from Ronan, even though I can't find the post where he was going on about them (maybe it was on ILM?) in a mild sort've "this year sucks but these guys are okay" way.
I actually found that I had a couple of their songs from a year or two ago on my computer already, which I'm guessing I got from gabba/amp back before they started letting random people with shitty fucking taste in music fuck the thing up. Remember when that was the best(/only?) mp3 blog around?

winter #

      ( 6:40 AM )  
also I'm not going to shamefully delete my posts from three years (!) ago just because I might be ashamed of them (I'm not actually). I'll be just as potentially ashamed of these posts three years from now. Make fun of me if you want, I don't care.

winter #

      ( 6:34 AM )  
cool guy speak is manipulative. I hate how they talk about stuff that obviously few other people would know about as if everyone does/should already know about it. It reeks of payola to me. Fuck you guys!

winter #

Tuesday, August 27, 2002
      ( 6:23 AM )  
As celebrities and pop stars in their own right, the Neptunes tend to appear often in the videos of songs they produce. This is especially evident in the video for Clipse's "Grindin'", in which Pharrell has more face time than the boys themselves; because Clipse, of course, wouldn't have a video on MTV right now if it weren't for their big-shot producers.

But that's okay, because it's interesting to watch the way that he behaves as the music plays. It's as if he (well, alright, Chad is in it too, to a much lesser extent) is singing the hooks. Pharrell mouths along to the whispered "grindin'"s and mimes some mouth-popping action like he was making that "Beverly Hills Cop" type sound, too. It might just be my imagination, but it feels like one, by watching these motions, can pick up a kind of intuitive sense of how the producers think about the music they've made, like a little window into the creative process.

This kind of effect is, at least for me, never found in watching the singing or dancing of most performers in videos. I guess it is a little like watching a musician on his instrument, but much less direct; like watching only the gestures and facial expressions of a guitarist during a solo, without seeing the fingers.

winter #

Thursday, August 22, 2002
      ( 10:07 AM )  
Eboy.com. Pixel art is grebt.

winter #



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